About adm-docfin
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud adm-docfin contributed a whooping 73 entries.
Entries by adm-docfin
Cosa aumenta la valutazione d’azienda
16/03/2013 in News /by adm-docfinConflitto tra soci
05/02/2013 in News /by adm-docfinGaranzie nella cessione quote
20/01/2013 in News /by adm-docfinInformation Memorandum
06/01/2013 in News /by adm-docfinDue diligence
15/11/2012 in News /by adm-docfinClausola Call
01/11/2012 in News /by adm-docfinStrutturazione di un’operazione di cessione di azienda
24/07/2012 in News /by adm-docfin7 principali errori nella vendita della società
17/06/2012 in News /by adm-docfinDefinizione valutazione d’azienda
10/06/2012 in News /by adm-docfinDOCFIN S.R.L.
DOCFIN Srl assists, with entrepreneurial spirit, Italian and internationals companies, willing to undertake special operations such as: acquisitions, company sales, strategic alliances, joint-ventures.
E-mail: info@doc-fin.com
Tel +39-02-450.73.213
Fax. +39-02-450.70.213